Posts by Pat:
Our two helpful lists…
Once upon a time…a man was walking down a road. At first the places were known to him, but became less and less familiar. Finally he knew he was in a new place and was lost.
The traveler kept walking until he was at the foot of a steep hill. He was too tired to continue. He sat down to rest and was inspired to take a pad and pencil from his pack.
He wrote two lists.
The first was “Things I know are absolutely true”
- I have been lost before.
- I have always found my way.
- I am a strong walker.
- This road was built to go somewhere.
The second list was “Things I know are possible”
1. I could see better from the top of this hill.
2. I could find signposts, people and houses on the other side.
3. I could find shelter, food and friends on the other side.
4. I could like this new place.
His words gave him strength and he climbed the hill. He did see better from the top. He found signposts, people and houses. In fact, he found most of the things on his lists. Plus a few extras.
When we are feeling lost and discouraged, we can make two lists. On the first, we can list the best things in the present situation. The second list is to expand our thinking. Let’s write all the best things we believe are possible.
And then let our words give us courage on our journey to places yet unseen!
Yes, I believe each of us is and so are all of us!
What can you put on your lists?
Simple as ABCD…
We often find ourselves at the mercy of our emotions. And so often find we that we react rather than respond, much to our chagrin. So the next time we feel fear, anger or frustration, we could try this: A is for Adversity. Like traffic or a rainstorm. Sorry, no genie can let us wish […]
The weight of our stress
A psychology professor teaching stress management principles held up a glass of water and asked her students a different question than the expected half empty/half full one. She asked “How heavy is this glass of water I’m holding?” Students shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple of pounds. She replied, “From my […]
So, which one are you?
When the other person takes a long time, they’re slow. When I take a long time, I’m thorough. When the other person doesn’t do it, they’re lazy. But when I don’t do it, I’m busy. When the other person does something without being told, they’re overstepping their bounds. But when I do it, that’s initiative. […]
We can always choose!
Some good advice! Don’t ask. Choose your path. Be clear, easily understood, and focused on using the best possible action to move you forward! I’m offering some simple, two-word sentences that can give us a boost that we might need this coming week. You can use them for inspiration, for entertainment, or just for fun! […]
not 4 but 6 Seasons…
The transition between seasons (both of nature and of our personal lives) are worth examining! And particularily, the in-between ones that lead us to the four acknowledged ones of winter, spring, summer, and autumn. First, let’s realize the truth about nature’s seasons. Four seasons is just wrong for this part of our planet. After all, […]
The yeast in our lives
Mothers teach us to add, adding the ingredients to the recipe. Sisters can teach us how to subtract as they snitch the chocolate chips from the bag. Fathers can teach us how to divide the cake by letting one of us cut it and the other choose their piece first. But learning how to multiply? […]
We’re energy systems…
We are not a chunk of flesh, we are energy! If we were to magnify ourselves, we would find that we are made of cells, which in turn are made up of molecules of various substances. These are made up of atoms which are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And these are energy packets. […]
Every minus is half of a plus?
Consider the possibility that what you thought was wrong with you may actually be what’s right with you! And if this is so then you have made only one mistake, that of judging yourself negatively, based on possibly erroneous or insufficient evidence. Here are some ways what you thought was wrong with you might actually […]
Reading can add a chapter to your life!
I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! There’s a study done by Yale University that says people who read books tend to live loger than those who don’t. Almost two years longer, in fact! The data of 3,635 people over the age of 50 had almost a 20% lower risk of death in the 12 years […]