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Tilt your perspective

Posted by Pat on July 12, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Do you remember playing with a kaleidoscope? With every turn of the tube, wonderful patterns and colors revealed themselves.

We didn’t cry when the first image disappeared. We knew that nothing was lost; another beautiful sight always followed.

In a kaleidoscope, a set of fragments forms a pattern but isn’t locked into place…shake it, twist it, change the angle, change perspective and then the same fragments form an entirely new pattern.

Reality, the kaleidoscope tells us, is only a temporary arrangement. Creativity consists of rearranging the pieces to create a new reality.

As a Western Union patent attorney Edward Dickerson said:

“Edison had a remarkable kaleidoscope brain. He turned that head of his and these things came out as in a kaleidoscope, in various combinations, most of which were patentable.”

Over the course of a day, we each go through a series of different activities, energy highs and lows, and mood swings. We tilt the tube.

Over the course of a lifetime, we change careers, relationships, and lifestyles, and in the process change ourselves. We tilt the tube.

Life is like peering into a kaleidoscope, and just as we’re looking at a gorgeous pattern we think maybe we’d even like to keep around forever, the colors morph into something completely different.

The design of kaleidoscopes lies in the use of mirrors to create multiple reflections and what looks like different versions of the same image.

What an interesting and yet symbolic example of how the world we understand and view around us is very much a mirror of our own values, expectations, and information that we have received over our lifetime.

And, as we shift any one of those factors, our perspective and worldview can change as a consequence.

With a myriad of colorful fragments we create our experience.

Would a tilt of your perspective result in a new and enchanting image?

I think so!


Travel puns for fun!

Posted by Pat on July 5, 2020 in Uncategorized |

With borders closed and travel iffy…Here’s some “punny” sharings in place of our preferred vacation travels! Which ones do you like best? Britain is a wet place due to the Queen’s long reign. Never make fun of a Scotsman’s traditional garb. You could get kilt that way. Italian building inspectors in Pisa are leanient. The […]


Choosing your adventure…

Posted by Pat on June 28, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Did you ever read one of the Choose Your Own Adventure books growing up? There were 250 million copies of books in that series sold in the 80’s and 90’s! They came about after the creator ran out of bedtime stories to tell his daughters, so he asked them what they thought the protagonist should […]


See the humor?

Posted by Pat on June 21, 2020 in Uncategorized |

I firmly believe it is better to laugh than to cry and so here is what I have found! See if any of these tickle your funny bone… New proverbs to be included in the English language: “Homestay is the best policy!” “Rome wasn’t infected in a day.” “When the cough is away, you can […]


Nice or Kind?

Posted by Pat on June 14, 2020 in Uncategorized |

What is the difference between being nice and being kind? At first glance it’s hard to tell. We often use them interchangeably when describing people. A “nice person” will hold the door for others, but so does a “kind person.” If the underlying motivation for holding the door for others is to create a favorable […]


Some favorite thoughts…

Posted by Pat on June 7, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Maybe it’s my English teacher background or maybe it’s my bookstore owner background or maybe I’m just quirky, but I love collecting thoughts shared by others! I’m sharing some with you today to see which ones you like best. So…which of these 6 resonates most with you? “If the only tool you have is a […]


Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My..!

Posted by Pat on May 31, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Remember in the movie The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man entered the scary forest as they followed the yellow brick road? As they entered the gloomy forest they discussed their fears, culminating in the catchy “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!” Just as in the Biblical story of […]


Simple is surprisingly good

Posted by Pat on May 24, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Many of the reasons we fail to find elegant solutions to problems are self-inflicted. We overthink a problem, or jump to conclusions, or decide after a few moments that we have a solid B-minus answer and are ready to move on. And so we miss the simplest, cheapest, least-intrusive, most effective changes we can make. […]


Ramblings as an “elder”

Posted by Pat on May 17, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Some people try to turn back their “odometers.” Not me. I want people to know why I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way and some of the roads weren’t paved! Why is the easiest way to find something lost around the house is to go out and buy a replacement? Did you ever […]


Words can steal, heal, reveal

Posted by Pat on May 10, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Words that Steal Stealing someone’s joy hurts them as deeply as stealing their physical possessions. When we say something unkind to others, we are stealing their self-esteem. When we interrupt others and “steal” their punch line, we’re taking away their joy of sharing humor. And has anyone ever told you “who did it” when you’ve […]

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