Posts by Pat:
Start now!

Start again, start now, continue starting!
As Neil Fiore in his book The Now Habit states:
“…essentially, all large tasks are completed in a series of starts…Keep on starting, and finishing will take care of itself.”
I read an interesting reminder that I thought I’d share today:
If you start today, you’ll feel good today. When someday becomes today, we get a rush of accomplishment and pride. Doing feels good. Way better than thinking about doing.
If you start today, you’ll be the kind of person who does things. That’s not a minor thing. It’s meaningful. All the time you put off starting vanishes the moment you start. Once you start, you’re a doer, no longer a procrastinator You are what you do today. Not what you did yesterday. Not what you might do tomorrow.
If you start today, you won’t regret it. Nobody ever says, “I wish I would have procrastinated longer.” Nobody. Ever.

If you start today, you give yourself a change to succeed. You have a zero percent chance of success before you start. Planning and getting ready is meaningless unless you actually start. The start makes success possible. It gets you in the game.
If you start today, you no longer have to wonder, “What if?” Starters don’t have to wonder what they might be capable of or how their life could change or if something’s a good idea or not. Because when you start, you get to find out.
We don’t ever get a chance to finish, to succeed, if we don’t start!
So what will I start? And what will you start!

I’m okay, are you?
What if I don’t want a new beginning? What’s wrong with things as they are? Why are we so easily lured into the idea that something about us is broken and needs fixing? Don’t get me wrong…I’m all for personal growth and even transformation. But so many messages in January seem to point to us […]
Goodbye to 2024!
What a year it has been! One full of change as well as opportunities! Here’s some of what I’ve experienced and I’d love to hear what it’s been like for you! For example: I’ve moved from my 2 bedroom apartment (where I’ve been for 10 years), back into my house. There’s been quite a bit […]
Our revised Christmas list!
Sometimes I just need a reminder on what’s really important to me. Perhaps you do too. So here’s some suggestions for us all! 2. WRAP GIFTS (WRAP SOMEONE IN A HUG!) 3. SEND GIFTS (SEND LOVE!) 4. SHOP FOR FOOD (DONATE FOOD!) 5. MAKE COOKIES (MAKE MEMORIES!) 6. SEE THE LIGHTS (BE THE LIGHT!) BLESSINGS […]
It’s actually real!
The Golden Buddha is actually REAL! I’ve always thought it was a beautiful parable about the fact that we’re all already perfect and that all we have to do is chip away at the plaster that’s gotten in the way. (Don’t you love it when you can combine historical reality with metaphorical implications? I do!) […]
It’s always our choice
I read this somewhere and that author indicated that a friend told him it had been shared with him originally by an old friend who didn’t know who the original author was! If you know, let me know please! And let’s pay close attention to the conscious choices the author makes in this story, noting […]
We’ve got 4 weeks left!
December is a month of highs and lows, stress and relaxation, endings and beginnings. It’s crazy! And we can make it even crazier and do something life-changing by taking this idea and wrapping it up as a gift certificate! GIFT CERTIFICATE: “I have hereby received (from myself) the gift of an hour a week in […]
Not just in November…
We often need the reminder that gratitude is an attitude we carry with us throughout each day, not just in the few minutes we spend noting items in a gratitude journal and not just one day in November! I’d like to suggest a few simple techniques to spread gratitude around as we enjoy each day. […]
Remember Forrest Gump?
Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven and is met by St. Peter himself at the Pearly Gates. But the gates are closed. St. Peter says, “Well, Forrest, it’s certainly good to see you. I must tell you though that the place is filling up fast and we’ve been administering an entrance exam for everyone. […]
The day after…
Politics! Politics! Politics! Why were we so cranky? Could it be overload? Is it that “enough” had become “more than enough?” Is that why we were so quick to snap at a family member or co-worker when the conversation turned to the election? Maybe it’s because: After all, for most of us it has felt […]