About Pat

Posts by Pat:


Legend of the “Three Sisters”

Posted by Pat on June 4, 2023 in Uncategorized |

If you are familiar with companion planting, you’ll likely have heard the legend of the Three Sisters garden. This is a traditional Native American method for growing food in a resourceful way. It’s been used for many hundreds of years and is based on the idea that each plant has something vital to offer the others.

In the legend, that trio of plants was represented by three sisters, all of whom were different, yet loved and thrived next to one another. (much like myself and my two sisters!)

These plants grow at different rates; the vegetables harvest at different times. But the mix provides a system of mutual protection and benefit. The tall and the small working together. It’s not just the corn, not just the beans, not just the squash, but rather the combination that yields a healthy crop.

The corn grows tall and creates a natural pole for the bean plants to climb. The beans provide nitrogen, a nutrient that helps the other plants grow more efficiently. And the squash stays low to the ground with its large, spreading leaves helping to block weeds and keep the soil moist.

Michelle Obama shared in The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times about her White House Three Sisters garden. She suggested we could think in these terms about our individual lives as well as our wider human community because our balance rests upon this ideal, the richness of these combinations.

Individually, If we begin to feel out of sync, if we’re feeling unsupported or overwhelmed, we can try to take stock of what our garden holds, what we’ve planted and what we still need to mix in: What’s feeding my soil? What’s helping to block the weeds? Am I cultivating both the small and the tall?

Collectively, we can look at what is currently going on in our world…what we’ve created…as well as what we could choose now to help it grow healthy.

And those small and creative solutions most often come from many individuals working together!

We can do it, you know..!

Are we lazy or just efficient?

Posted by Pat on May 28, 2023 in Uncategorized |

If you look inside a beehive you’ll notice row and row of almost identical hexagons. It could be because the hexagon is a robust structure, but there’s something more than that at play. Nature is always trying to use the least amount of energy. The Canadian Honey Council has calculated that the wax that is […]


Remember Mr. Rogers?

Posted by Pat on May 21, 2023 in Uncategorized |

Are any of you old enough to remember the TV program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood? Or maybe the 2019 movie A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood with Tom Hanks? With each episode Mr. Rogers began by changing into one of his trademark cardigan sweaters and changing into his sneakers while singing the show’s theme song, “Won’t […]


“Mother, May I?”

Posted by Pat on May 14, 2023 in Uncategorized |

Remember the childhood game of “Mother, May I?” When given an instruction by ‘mother’ we needed to remember to ask permission before taking those 2 giant steps forward. In addition to my being an ex-English teacher and this also being the month of May, I’ve found myself wondering about that word “may.” How does it […]

Oh no..a 2nd Mother Goose gem?!

Posted by Pat on May 7, 2023 in Uncategorized |

Joe Scieszka did it again in his The Real Dada Mother Goose: A Treasury of Complete Nonsense! (This time with the rhyme of Old Mother Hubbard.) The English teacher in me loves this “re-verb” version! See what YOU can add to these verbs… Old Mother Hubbard moseyed/ progressed/ skipped/ highttailed it/ took a hike to […]

A unique book report!

Posted by Pat on April 30, 2023 in Uncategorized |

English teachers get a lot of book reports to read… such as the following “book report” from the 2022 book The Real Dada Mother Goose: A Treasury of Complete Nonsense by Jon Scieszka! Do you remember this old nursery rhyme? Book Report: “The main character in this nursery rhyme is Jack. There is also a […]


Ridiculous headlines?

Posted by Pat on April 23, 2023 in Uncategorized |

Does anyone other than an ex-English teacher notice these kinds of things? I’ve often wondered who proofreads the headlines, or even the content on some of the articles in the newspaper. On the other hand, I do find many of them funny and some even make me feel superior! “Red tape holds up new bridges” […]


If you start today…

Posted by Pat on April 16, 2023 in Uncategorized |

I read an interesting reminder that I thought I’d share with you today: If you start today, you’ll feel good today. When someday becomes today, we get a rush of accomplishment and pride. Doing feels good. Way better than thinking about doing. If you start today, you’ll be the kind of person who does things. […]


Trust Mother Nature!

Posted by Pat on April 9, 2023 in Uncategorized |

Story: There was a man who had a hen and a dozen good eggs, and he wanted to raise some chickens. Somehow or other he had to get the hen and the eggs together. Now the hen was willing, and he was willing, but if he kept the hen in the yard and the eggs […]


Thoughts for this new month!

Posted by Pat on April 2, 2023 in Uncategorized |

It’s already April, with the year’s first quarter behind us! Here’s some thoughts that have been circling around in my mind for this new month (and maybe for all the rest of this year too!) This is a great reminder from a favorite mentor of mine that it’s important for me to accept what is, […]

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