Are you intelligent or wise?

Posted by Pat on March 17, 2019 in Uncategorized |

So which are you: intelligent or wise?

Here’s some thoughts for you to ponder!

An intelligent person knows what is being said…a wise person understands what is left unsaid.

Intelligence is holding on…wisdom is letting go.

An intelligent person thinks he knows everything…a wise person knows that there is still something to learn.

An intelligent person always tries to prove their point…a wise person knows there really is no point.

An intelligent person sees everything as relative…a wise person sees everything as related.

An intelligent person speaks when they have to say something…a wise person speaks when they have something to say.

Intelligence is holding on…wisdom is letting go.

An intelligent person frequently gives unsolicited advice…a wise person keeps their counsel until all options are considered.




Intelligence is good, but wisdom achieves better results!

(Do you have any words of wisdom  you can share with us?)


  • Russ Knopp says:

    Thank you, Pat, for this challenging post!

    If I were wise, I probably wouldn’t respond to the question “So which are you: intelligent or wise?” That is especially true when I consider the following “thought to ponder”: “An intelligent person speaks when they have to say something…a wise person speaks when they have something to say.” Far too often during my lifetime I have spoken or written when I “had to say something” rather than waiting until I “had something to say.”

    Perhaps it is time to stop “saying” and get back to “pondering.”

    • Pat Richmond says:

      Russ, thanks for checking this one out! Do you think our speaking is the result of all those years in front of a classroom?

      • Russ says:

        I hadn’t thought of that, but it certainly could be true, Pat! I can remember times when I felt it was necessary for me to speak, although I wasn’t sure what I should say. Not wise?

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