Are these ‘seriously funny’?

Posted by Pat on July 30, 2023 in Uncategorized |

Ever wonder why some of our ‘normal’ sayings don’t seem to really make sense?

Or how about…

a plastic glass, a definite maybe, or military intelligence!

Each of these is called an oxymoron. A dictionary defines them as “a combination of contradictory or incongruous words.”

Still another dictionary defines an oxymoron as a “wittily paradoxical turn of phrase that appeals to ‘unconscious responses’ instead of rational examinations.” Wow!

The word is said to have originated from the Greek words, oxy, meaning ‘sharp, pointed’ and the word moros that meant ‘dull or foolish’.

Think about

  • small crowd,
  • original copy,
  • exact estimate.

Here are some fun ones I’ve found! Maybe you’ve seen some of these?

Why do we use phrases that don’t seem to make any logical sense? Maybe for dramatic effect? To add flavor to our speech? (or just for fun?)

And some famous folks have said stuff that makes use of these fun concepts.

“I can resist anything, except temptation,” said Oscar Wilde.

“Modern dancing is old fashioned,” said Samuel Goldwyn.

“I am a deeply superficial person,” said Andy Warhol.

“No one goes to that restaurant anymore-it’s always too crowded,” said Yogi Berra.

Word play is fun and it’s always a delight to me when I come across new word and idea plays.

Do you have any that you’ve heard or read that you could share?


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