an old Persian saying…

There is a fable of a powerful king who asked his wise men to find something that would make him happy when he was sad, and sad when he was happy.
After deliberation, the sages handed him a single ring with the Persian words “This too shall pass” etched on it. It had the desired result.
It is impossible to imagine a thought more truly and universally applicable to the perpetual change in human affairs than that expressed in these memorable words. It’s been translated into many languages and reminds us of the temporary nature of the human condition.

Together we will get through this.

So let’s embrace the inspiration of those Italians singing from their balconies!
What will you do to enrich today’s experience? You could…
- invest quality time in your family,
- reevaluate where you are in life right now,
- choose what you need to do to become your best self.
Tomorrow the sun will rise, another day will begin, and with it our chance to defy the uncertainties of today.
Just as in 1918 when the United States simultaneously dealt with a flu pandemic and a world war. Less than two years later? The United States began the “roaring 20’s.”

1 Comment
I missed this when you sent it and now is probably a way better time for me to be reminded. Isolation can be hard. But it can be good.
Thanks always for your inspiration and your words.