Am I a Tigger?

Does today’s world seem like a never-ending battle between the Tiggers and the Eeyores of “Winnie the Pooh” fame?
Did Eeyore get a bad rap? And am I seen as a Pollyanna and annoying to be around by the more pessimistic folks?
I know I have taken pride in being upbeat and rather Tigger-like in contrast to many folks around me. And I have sometimes been told that I never really acknowledged that the glass might be half-empty rather than half-full.
And some folks didn’t like me trying to convince them that things weren’t “that bad” or to “look on the bright side.” The more I tried to change their minds, the more they dug in their heels.
And that’s when “I got it!”
Eeyores may well seem so negative because those of us who are Tiggers push them into it. We want them to be happy and positive. And yet, we know that when we are pushed, we too resist and dig in our heels.
Do I/we sometimes use too much Tigger in order to mask some real feelings that may need addressing? And do we/they risk too much Eeyore which can put us into a state of depression?
So…are you an Eeyore or a Tigger? And do you have a suggestion on how to create balance? Maybe how to be a bit more Pooh? I could use all the help you can give!

1 Comment
Perhaps it’s not a dichotomy, but a sort of ‘multichotomy’. We certainly do each have our preferred way of being in the world and our own reasons for choosing it. It’s not set in stone, we can flex a bit. Pooh seems a good role model, though.