Aging or..?

As a woman of “a certain age” I am still in process, in the midst of an unfinished story.
And I aspire to be a “crone” or maybe even a “sage.” I want the psychological and spiritual growth that those terms symbolize.
The *crone is the woman in her third stage of womanhood with her mastery of life’s experiences. She is the elder, the wise woman. She is the third aspect of the ancient Triple Goddess (with the maiden and the mother).

And these terms has less to do with gender and more to do with
- finding meaning,
- using our intuition,
- sharing wisdom,
- growing into our potential.
(I can think of some exceptional men who would qualify as crones* such as Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama. Can you?)
We each have our full lifetime as the material to work with. And until this life span is over, we are all still in process, in the midst of an unfinished story. And what we do with our lives is our magnum opus, or great work of personal creativity. When we acquire a “crones-eye” view, we will see ourselves and others from the perspective of our higher self rather than our ego.
Aging well is a goal worth pursuing.
To be wise, we need to let go of what
- should have been,
- could have been,
- might have been.

Crones Don’t Whine is the title of this great little book by Jean Shinoda Bolen!
- What was, was.
- What is, is.
- Plain and simple.

We are stronger, smarter, happier, and wiser!
It’s all about what we do with the life we were given, what we have learned, and who we have become that matters to us as spiritual beings on a human path!
Any other would-be crones out there?
just checking whether the comment section works!
I would add that I prefer my wisdom highlights be referred to as platinum not merely grey :}. Still here and still reading. Thank you for continuing your posts. They light up the world.