A moment to reflect…
As the year comes to a close, I like to reflect both forward and backwards. How will we release our 2021 year and welcome in 2022?
Here are some thoughts that have given me focus and peace. I particularly love this “Note to Self.”
The following two, seemingly conflicting, thoughts on life remind me that we can actually hold two different ideas at the same time! Do you agree? If not, would you choose to see it as the journey or as the opportunity to solve problems?
I especially like the quote by Henry Van Dyke that tells us to “Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.”

So here’s some advice that I intend to take! And I also will follow Ziggy who said “When it comes to enjoying life.. the sooner we get started…the longer we get to enjoy it!”

Since we don’t control what happens in our life, it’s a good thing we do control how we respond to it!
As Danny Kaye said, “Life is a blank canvas, and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.”
I’m suggesting we all invest in lots of paint and have some fun with it!
Great thoughts and actions for the New Year!
More possibilities. More chances to say I can. More friends to meet.
Another great blog with a great message, especially for those of us who are “aging to perfection”. Kindness and compassion are some of our most precious gifts.
Another great message with profound wisdom. Kindness and compassion are some of our most precious gifts to share.