A dozen kind ideas!

Posted by Pat on February 19, 2017 in Uncategorized |

It’s easy to be kind!

It’s smart to be kind!

It’s fun to be kind!

Are you up to a challenge? If you missed the opportunity to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness last week,  take this next week and perform some acts of kindness.

These suggestions won’t take long and you’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel when you’ve done them.

So…for the next seven days, pick one thing from these dozen ideas (or from your own list!) and feel the energy you create from it!

  1. Smile ear to ear at everyone you see-it’s contagious!
  2. Give genuine compliments to those you hardly know (like a waiter or bus driver).
  3. Leave a creative smiley face for someone (you can make one with a banana and two apples in the kitchen).
  4. Call someone you know is in a tough spot and just listen for as long as they’d like.
  5. Give a copy of your favorite book to a stranger.
  6. Call, email or write your closest 5 people in your life and let them know the unique impact they have on your life.
  7. Let someone go ahead of you in line-just because!
  8. Find five items from around your house that you can donate to charity. (gently worn clothing, canned food, books, electronics, etc)
  9. Write a thoughtful comment on a blog or Facebook post where the author clearly invested a ton of time and energy crafting it. Folks who post love to get positive feedback from readers. (hint, hint)
  10. Have a conversation with a friend and focus on speaking less. Say, “Tell me more.”
  11. Make something for someone-this can be something edible, a playlist, an art piece, anything! Just create and then share.
  12. Send this list to a few friends.

Maybe even start with being kind to yourself?



  • Earl Blackaby says:

    Give a few more hugs to people. Find a Viet Nam Vet, shake their hand, and say “Welcome Home”. Give up your seat to someone who needs it more than you do. Help someone cross the street. Offer your arm to help someone who needs the help. Find an older person and check with them about their military service to our country – if served, then thank them for their service. Spend a moment of every day looking toward other people and understand that many don’t have an easy life.

  • Sandy smith says:


    I really appreciate all you posts, and I am glad you are so dedicated to send them. Have a fabulous day!

  • Fay Payton says:

    Thanks for the post, Pat. Your blog always makes me think, and pay attention.

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