7 notes to God…from kids

Posted by Pat on December 25, 2016 in Uncategorized |

As we come to the end of the year, I suggest we can be thoughtful about our life this year.

Here are some thoughts from youngsters to think about if you, perhaps, are no longer a “youngster!”

Remember those old math textbooks that had half of the problems’ answers in the back of the book?   They were useful in helping me figure out how to do the other half of the problems!

I’m not sure that works in “real” life, but here are some fun (and often insightful)  thoughts from some youngsters about life from their perspective!

  • Which one resonates with you?
  • Tickles your funny bone?
  • Makes you think?

Note 1:

dear god letter

Note 2:

dear god from kids







Note 3:


Note 4:

dear god letter on kissing






Note 5:

                 Note 6:








       Note 7:


 OR…ponder this “note”

from an “adult!”         

So…YOUR favorite?!                                                                




  • Lea Lambel says:

    I was doing okay til I got to the part that said I hadn’t had any chocolate!
    Merry Christmas and blessings

  • Dee Dee says:

    Too cute! I read it to my kids and they got a kick out of it! Thanks for making us smile!
    Dee Dee

  • Tish says:

    My favorite is the little boy that wanted a puppy! When I was born on Christmas and my parents told one of my brothers that he had a new sister he replied “I would have rather had a train”!!!!

  • Sandy smith says:

    Very cute! The last one is my favorite, it’s getting out of bed that needs the conscious effort.

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