50 Years Ago or Today?
Posted by Pat on October 21, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞

“The things that will destroy us are:
politics without principle;
pleasure without conscience;
wealth without work;
knowledge without character;
business without morality;
science without humanity;
and worship without sacrifice.”
50 years ago? today?
Are you as weary as I am with the news of today? Maybe it’s just as it’s always been. But it seems to me that much is currently lacking…the principle, conscience, work, character, morality, humanity, sacrifice that Gandhi was referencing in the quote above.
I know that with all the hype and hyperbole that goes along with our coming election, it’s not surprising when we find ourselves on overwhelm.
Not able to believe what we hear being said,
not sure which actions will really take us in the direction we feel we need to go as a country, and
not able to know that our choice will turn out to be wise,
is all rather disheartening.
I’ve been finding it difficult to maintain my more normal optim
ism. Even though I know that my attitude is a choice and I could indeed look for the roses among the thorns, I guess I’m just not ready to give up my “Eeyore” gloom yet.

The best thing I know (which is based on my advanced age!) is that “This too shall pass.”
And, what goes up, comes down.
And, for every closed door there is an open door.
And, after every dark night, there is the sunrise.
And, perhaps you have a truth that you know that helps you get through the doldrums. If so, I’m open and receptive to your suggestions!
After every storm – the rainbow. It’s a promise as I recall. While it was a promise given in quite different circumstances I do believe it to be true in the current context as well.
While what you said is certainly true (we don’t know if our decisions will be wise, or take us in the direction we need to go, and who to trust), my take on this is a little different. I will keep doing what is in front of me to do (a wise woman told me that a while back!) to go in the direction that seems right in the now. Then if I am proved wrong, I’ll do what is in front of me to do to go in a different direction. I will keep moving. I must keep moving. And it’s very, very important to do so with integrity – that is, actions congruent with beliefs.
Oddly, I am optimistic – well, mostly anyway that things will be right in the end. And if they aren’t right, well then, it isn’t yet the end.
Thanks for the reminder about the rainbow!
And when I DO think about things, I do remember that nobody really knows what is the “right” path or action until hindsight kicks in!
And each decision we make, right or wrong, does give us another opportunity to make another decision to continue or to change.
Life is such a gift! We’re blessed to be, to be here, to be here now. And it is something to treasure and give thanks for, especially in those “down” moments of life.
I heard the other day, that simply because another’s vote or opinion does not match that of another’s – does not mean that either person is an imbicile or an idiot. I’ve been quite saddened and depressed even at times to see the differences we as Americans hold so dear – be the exact catalyst for the destruction and loss of family ties, friendships, and a general sense of well being. As I have had little appropriate information to assist in guiding my son thru the maze of current politics, it has been nice to go back to the basic statements and quotes of those who shaped our nation – who were not competing for power and position. Those who who saw clearly what we were, what we had become, and what we could become. Truths and Hopes…Reality and Power to Change…Admiration and respect for current status…and insight for betterment. When I look back at all we have been thru – my Eyore blues begins to fade away.
I have often wondered what youngsters make out of all our “adult” stuff…the energy we give to ideas we don’t know if are true, the anger we feel when we think we might be wrong. I think you are right about going back to quotes and ideas from those “not in the fight for power.”
Thanks for sharing!