How full is your cup?

Posted by Pat on November 19, 2012 in Uncategorized |
Abundance is not about how much we can get; the experience of abundance arises when we feel that whatever we have is enough.
Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk who has studied Oriental and Western spirituality, is quoted in Legacy of the Heart by Wayne Muller, and says that
 “abundance is not measured by what flows in, but what flows over. The smaller wethe cup overflowing make the vessel of our need…the sooner we get the overflow we need for delight.”
    When we are grateful we don’t see the cup as just half full or even overflowing.
We see ourselves as “the cup”
    We understand that we already have everything we need, and we choose to be who we are, where we are, with what we have. Is it true that we don’t really “create” our abundance, but simply “discover and use” it?
    The abundance that we may desire in love, harmony, beauty, health,  and prosperity are all pre-existing principles or attributes of life. We are surrounded by these principles. The choices we make as we discover and use these principles determines our experiences of them.
  • We know that we can choose to give love to experience loving relationships.
  • We know that when we are willing to speak peacefully and take actions that promote peace, we will experience more harmony.
  • We know that we can choose to see the beauty that surrounds us.
  • We instinctively know what we can do in eating and exercising to improve our health.
  • And we know that working, both smart and hard, is one of the steps we can take towards our increasing financial prosperity.
    We don’t have to invent for ourselves a supportive universe. It already exists, awaiting our recognition (and appreciation) of it!
    As Einstein said,
The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.blog einstein
    The decision I choose to make is in the following quote:

 We live in a friendly universe. At the heart of all things is goodness. We receive this goodness in the measure to which we cultivate friendship with the universe.

-J. P. Vaswani (author and Hindu spiritual leader)


    Possessing abundance mindset is more than just believing that there is enough to go around. Think about this:
  • People living in scarcity see the cup as half empty.
  • People who are positive thinkers see the cup as half full.
  • People living abundantly see the cup as overflowing.
  • But people living consciously and joyfully ARE the cup.


So where do you find yourself? Are you willing to move up a step? If you already have, was it as difficult as you thought it might be or easier?

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  • Fay says:

    The other day I saw something on the TV about Doomsday preparation by seemingly normal folks. After about 10 minutes it was clear they are very, very afraid of this world and this universe we all live in. I couldn’t watch any more. There certainly was no sense of the 1/2 full idea – everything was scarcity.

    That quote and wonderful photograph of Dr. E just made me smile. Clearly he was the cup. In my own life I think I’m closest to the overflowing of abundance – and I harbor a huge amount of gratitude. Sometimes, though, there’s a little hint of my being the cup, and that’s something to treasure and encourage. This hasn’t always been true, that’s for sure. The process has been years in the making, but I think it really only requires a thought to make it real – it didn’t have to necessarily take years to get to whatever place I am. We can change our thoughts, and change our lives accordingly. Thought changes become habitual, then voila’, we’re the cup! OK, so I’m not quite there, but hey, the process is wonderful fun! I do love this world and my place in it.

    • Pat says:

      It’s amazing, isn’t it, how abundance is everywhere when we look for it. And, darn it, so is scarcity or lack.
      So…the lesson I get is be careful what you look for! No doomsday fears to mess up the joys of the moment! Hope you had a happy and overflowing with gratitude Thanksgiving Day!

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