we didn’t miss it…
Though Random Acts of Kindness was last week, we haven’t missed our chance! We can use this next week. Are you up to the challenge? For the next seven days, we can pick one thing from these seven ideas (or from your own list!) They won’t take long and we will be amazed at how […]
Am I a Tigger?
Does today’s world seem like a never-ending battle between the Tiggers and the Eeyores of “Winnie the Pooh” fame? Did Eeyore get a bad rap? And am I seen as a Pollyanna and annoying to be around by the more pessimistic folks? I know I have taken pride in being upbeat and rather Tigger-like in […]
Picking that first domino!
Got any dominoes in your life? The Guinness Book of World Records shows that many record “domino falls” have been recorded and then toppled. One in July 2016, as seen on YouTube, showed 10,266 dominos. The physics of dominos: since each standing “domino” represents a small amount of potential energy, the more we line up, […]
this season of life…
You know…time has a way of moving quickly and catching us unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, embarking on my life, then I was mature and making a good life. Yet in a way, it also seems like eons ago, and I often wonder where all the years […]