Goodbye to 2024!
What a year it has been! One full of change as well as opportunities! Here’s some of what I’ve experienced and I’d love to hear what it’s been like for you! For example: I’ve moved from my 2 bedroom apartment (where I’ve been for 10 years), back into my house. There’s been quite a bit […]
Our revised Christmas list!
Sometimes I just need a reminder on what’s really important to me. Perhaps you do too. So here’s some suggestions for us all! 2. WRAP GIFTS (WRAP SOMEONE IN A HUG!) 3. SEND GIFTS (SEND LOVE!) 4. SHOP FOR FOOD (DONATE FOOD!) 5. MAKE COOKIES (MAKE MEMORIES!) 6. SEE THE LIGHTS (BE THE LIGHT!) BLESSINGS […]
It’s actually real!
The Golden Buddha is actually REAL! I’ve always thought it was a beautiful parable about the fact that we’re all already perfect and that all we have to do is chip away at the plaster that’s gotten in the way. (Don’t you love it when you can combine historical reality with metaphorical implications? I do!) […]
It’s always our choice
I read this somewhere and that author indicated that a friend told him it had been shared with him originally by an old friend who didn’t know who the original author was! If you know, let me know please! And let’s pay close attention to the conscious choices the author makes in this story, noting […]
We’ve got 4 weeks left!
December is a month of highs and lows, stress and relaxation, endings and beginnings. It’s crazy! And we can make it even crazier and do something life-changing by taking this idea and wrapping it up as a gift certificate! GIFT CERTIFICATE: “I have hereby received (from myself) the gift of an hour a week in […]