What is enough?

Posted by Pat on September 15, 2024 in Uncategorized |

What is enough? Saying that “I am enough” or that “I have enough” or even that “I’ve done enough” often sounds like I’m settling for less than I could be, have, or do. (And probably isn’t even the truth!) We could consider the option of replacing the word “enough” with the word “plenty.” Notice the […]


We also get some right!

Posted by Pat on September 8, 2024 in Uncategorized |

Here’s one of my favorite stories from 6 years ago: Little Emma is 6 years old and in first grade and it’s the end of the first week. When Mom picked her up from school, Emma bounced happily into the car. “How was school today, honey?” Immediately and very happily, Emma answered: “I had my […]


Why are we comparing?

Posted by Pat on September 1, 2024 in Uncategorized |

I bet you know someone(s) who is(are) brighter than you, is(are) cuter than you, or is(are) more creative than you. Then there are the folks who are on the other end of the scale who have less money, have more health issues, or have more dysfunctional family members. So what? What is the comparison for? […]

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