2023 is half gone?!

As we moved into July, half of this year had already passed.
Time seems to pass ever more quickly as each decade of my life comes and goes!
This is a good time, though, to reflect on how the year so far has unfolded. We often act as if we had all the time in the world, when we really do know that our time here on earth is finite.
When we realize that we have already lived x% ( 50%, 75%?) of our life span, we can see more clearly and can decide if we have done it as well as we wanted to! And decide if we want to do anything differently today, this week, this month.
How has your year been so far? Think about it:
- Has it been a good year for you so far?
- Have you achieved some of your goals?
- Are you on track to achieve your other goals?
- What can you do differently for the rest of the year?

I used to do a lot of goal setting (and achieving!) but I think at this point in my life I’d rather just continue to coddiwomple!
Many of the blessings in my life were not from goals, but rather from meandering. And now I have the word “coddiwomple” to use for that!
I am just coddiwompling my way these days. I do live with purpose. My purpose is to have fun, laugh, learn, share what I’m enjoying.
Purpose yes. Expectations no.
I know that sometimes in travel and in life, expectations can ruin the experience, just because it’s not how we may have imagined it.
My sister and I enjoyed our various travels abroad because we were able to release any expectations and just meander through the experiences as they arrived. It was fun, we laughed, learned and shared our mutual enjoyment.
I invite you to experiment with coddiwompling too!
1 Comment
Well said, and I liked the new word, coddiwompling. Off to a little of my own.