what do you REALLY want?
If you want to find your dream home, describe it. “It’s on a hill, surrounded by tall trees, with a panoramic view.” What feeling does the house give you? “Security.” And the hill? “It would show me perspective.” And the trees? “Trees represent growth.” And the panoramic view? “It attunes me to expansiveness.” So…you really […]
Fun Puns!

Are puns really the lowest form of humor? Or do the purists say that just because they think they are easy to make? Doesn’t matter! They are fun! Can you, would you, pick a favorite from these? Or even better, share one of your own?! Okay, NOW you can go do something inspiring, something productive, […]
Did you miss it?
Due to the quirks of our calendar, Friday the 13th comes around once every 6 to 10 months, and this past Friday was it! There’s even a name for the fear of Friday the 13th – paraskavedekatriaphobia! Apparently some people even refuse to get out of bed in case any bad luck strikes them! But […]
Making a list and checking it twice
We’ve heard it a number of times (and it’s not just advice for Christmas!) “Measure twice; cut once.” “Please review your order before hitting the ‘Complete Order’ button.” “Double check your answers.” It’s not about “second guessing” ourselves; it’s simply about taking that extra second to make sure our i’s have been dotted and our […]
Four more ideas for gifts
Did you know there is even another way to go about holiday giving, better than the above Four-Gift Rule? And it’s create, recycle, make a date, and donate! Here’s how it works: Create-DIY gifts made with love and the personal touch are special. Most are neither expensive nor time consuming and can be heaps of […]