Who else has ever crammed for a test?
Cramming versus the Law of the Farm! Did you ever “cram” in school? Goof off during the semester, then spend all night before the big test trying to cram a semester’s worth of learning into your head? In our social culture we sometimes think we can dismiss natural processes, cheat the system, and still win […]
A week ago, “Boston” hadn’t happened
Life changes in the blink of an eye. And we just think that it can’t happen to us. My son has run in a number of the Boston marathons over the years, so last week’s events came home to me a bit sharper than it might have otherwise. But whether as an individual or […]
Spring Cleaning and Your Life
How does spring make you feel? Does it lighten your heart as it does mine? It feels like a new beginning, a fresh start that begs me to open my internal windows and release the stale and tired emotions I’ve carried all winter. I feel a light breeze of peace and positivity wash over […]