What’s Gross National Happiness?
Once upon a time in a country far, far away, lived a most unusual king who proclaimed that Gross National Happiness was more important than Gross National Product. See http://www.grossnationalhappiness.com/ In this tiny, isolated, and landlocked Himalayan Kingdom tucked in between India and China, the 4th king of Bhutan oriented its national policy and development […]
Cellphones vs. Toilets?
Did you know? On our planet of 7 billion people, there are about 3 billion toilets compared to 6 billion active cellular phones. At the largest refugee camp in the world, 19-square-mile Dadaab in northeastern Kenya, the intake center had long lines of exhausted, barefoot people waiting for food. After trudging for days […]
Those pesky 4 letter words!
Those pesky four letter words! Much attention in our society is often focused on those four letter words that rebellious teens/adults use that rile up folks. Remember that old childhood refrain… “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”? Particularly during middle and high school, I tried to believe […]
What is it with socks?!
What is it with socks…? It’s one of those little frustrations in life. Where do those socks go? How is it we can have lots of socks, but not matching ones? Does the washer eat them? Is a sock monster to blame? Is it a test from the universe? Why do I keep saving sock singles, […]