2 sides to every coin…

Since I’ve started back to Tai Chi, this symbol has renewed significance for me. Reminds me that life/ events/ people are NOT just black or white, but an integration of opposites.
And I remember the line “can’t have one without the other” from that song about love and marriage!
- Coins have a front and back…can’t have one without the other.
- Breathing is both inhaling and exhaling…can’t have one without the other.
- Circulation is both giving and receiving…can’t have one without the other.
- The tide is both incoming and outgoing…can’t have one without the other.
Sometimes it just takes time to learn that. And wisdom, even if hard earned, is always worth it.
After all, I do know that a coin is just one coin, that breathing is just one activity, circulation is just one process, the tide is just part of the one ocean…and a person with all their attributes is just one person.
One, One, One

It’s a good reminder to me that the glass is both half full and half empty and still one glass.
And that folks can be both fun and annoying and still one person.
My newly enhanced awareness is that I am glad for the glass, glad for the person, and glad that I (hardly ever!) find myself stuck in judgment for very long.

So maybe these seemingly different sides of some truths are both true?
What seemingly contradictory views have you held?
What enabled you to reconcile them?