Are You As Happy As Your Dog?

Posted by Pat on August 1, 2012 in Uncategorized |
We’re in the midst of it!
What is it?
And why should we care?
It’s the “Dog Days of Summer” from July 3 to August 11 each year, so named by the Romans after Sirius, the “Dog Star.”

love and a dog
Have you noticed any conspicuous laziness of your dog during these hot and sultry days? Or even of yourself? Lollygagging around? Less energy and enthusiasm for chasing the cat or a ball? Even our 6 month old Black Lab pup has reacted to the sultry heat.
Maybe they have a lesson for us! Or, at least, an excuse we can use for kicking back and shifting pace!
     Are You as Happy as Your Dog?
  • They show us unconditional love.
  • If we pull into the garage after being gone 10 hours rather than 8 hours, they don’t guilt us (unlike some cats I know!)
  • They are quick to forgive our human mistakes and don’t hold grudges (again, unlike some cats I know!)
  • They establish and maintain boundaries. They protect them, whether it be a bone, their food dish, or their yard.
  • They live in the present, not last week or the future. Every day is exciting and full of promise.
  • They sleep when they’re tired, they eat when they’re hungry (if we let them), and they play when there’s playmates or toys.
 Who knew?
Sirius is the brightest start in the night sky and is prominent in the constellation Canis Major. The phrase came from old Roman times as the dog star Sirius and the sun both are heating things up at the same time!
It marked the flooding of the Nile in ancient Egypt. And the Romans sacrificed a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius (the closest star to the sun), believing that the star was the cause of the hot, sultry weather.
So, whatever is bugging us:
  • the “to-do” list that’s still undone,
  • the lethargy of laziness,
  • the urge for distractions, any distractions at all,
  • the chatterbox voice in our head berating us for all the above,

it really doesn’t matter. For the ebb and flow of emotions, of activities, of ideas, of decision making is all just part of our summer shift in energy. And it’s natural. It’s okay. And permission has been granted to enjoy it-by me and by your Spirit!

So are you as happy as your dog? If not, why not? It’s always our choice!

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  • Rabidchihuahua says:

    Most of the greatest lessons I’ve learned have been during the Summer…from kids and dogs. Such incredible wisdom to be had there!

    • Pat says:

      Thanks for sharing…and I certainly agree! There’s something about the way youngsters and dogs seem to be alive in the moment, not worrying about the past or fretting about the possible future. Now is really the only time we have-the past and future are only in our heads!

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