The waves of life…

Life is always coming at us. There’s always something more on our to-do list. There’s always some unexpected event that comes crashing into our lives. There’s always something not going according to plan. There’s always something more on the calendar.
We can certainly choose to feel overwhelmed by those things. We can hide under the covers. We can skip over a lot of the things we should be doing and let things build up.
On the other hand, we can just learn how to best deal with the onslaught of stuff. We can learn the best way to handle a rough day. We can go to bed at the end of the day feeling good about all of the stuff we were able to handle.

We’ve all had our share of both big and little waves, the irritants and the stumbling blocks. But we’re still here, learning, growing, readjusting. And, if you’re like me, you too are determined to do whatever it takes to keep going.
You could drown or get knocked about by the waves in life. You could refuse to participate and just sit on the beach letting life pass you by.
Or…you can get out there and surf, maybe falling off your board sometimes, but sometimes riding that wave and feeling that moment of bliss of having done something!
We don’t control the waves in our lives nor do we know just how it will all turn out. We just have to navigate it moment by moment. And we’re all stronger than we give ourselves credit for!
And isn’t that what life’s all about?