Herding cats, are you?
In a favorite SuperBowl commercial, a group of cowboys gallop across the screen, dust flying everywhere, whips snapping, yelling as they try to guide the herd. And then we notice why the cowboys are having a particularly difficult time. They are not herding cows; they are herding, or attempting to herd, cats.

“Herding cats” refers to an idiom denoting a futile attempt to control or organize a class of entities which are inherently uncontrollable. It calls to mind such daunting tasks as getting kindergarteners to stand still in a straight line for longer than a few short breaths. Or getting Americans to agree on anything.
Trying to change the culture in any group (family? healthcare? politics?) is a challenge.
From the seemingly unrelated science field, academic journalist John Naughton wrote, “Even in the best of times, managing science has been compared to herding cats; it is not done well, but one is surprised to find it done at all.”
Every person is different and has their own personality. Pushing them to change their behavior is often extremely difficult. People, like cats, do not like to be told what to do. If you push too hard, there may well be a negative impact!

With cats, it’s pointless to try to herd them. Cats can’t be controlled. Cats do what they want. With cats you might be able influence their behavior, but never control it.
There seems to be only one option when our cats are people-our family, our coworkers, our group. We can try leading, it generally works. We can effectively control tactics and tools, but not cats. We can really only influence them.

If herding of cats is on our agenda, we need to remember that it isn’t about seeking control. That clearly won’t work. Success can only happen when leaders seek to influence rather than control.

I don’t envy our teachers as they look to this new school year. And I can’t really imagine kindergarteners keeping masks on or maintaining the appropriate social distance! Maybe we’re all going to have to be more creative, since we can’t really control but can only influence.
How’s it working in YOUR life?
on your team?
in your business?
with your family?
Great example of cats/people/etc.
I think the whole “wearing a mask” issue comes down to people not wanting to be told what to do. Me personally, I’ll wear the mask. I want to insure my safety as well as others.
Your blogs are great!
I love cats (of all sizes) and I love dogs but they are totally different critters. One thing I know they are what they are and do not attempt to be anything else. What is interesting to me is that all cats regardless of breed basically look alike while dogs have been able to acquire lots of different ways of being even though they all have descended from wolves.