A difference between like and love

Posted by Pat on July 31, 2016 in Uncategorized |

like or loveI love this quote, (though it is probably not by the Buddha as I originally thought!)

Every relationship we have with another person in our life is like a flowering plant. If the relationship is strong, the plant grows strong and offers lots of flowers to both of us.

We can usually tell the value of a relationship by the reciprocation of time, love and energy.

At different times, everyone needs a helping hand; at other times, we are capable of giving a helping hand.

When we care about one another, we step up for each other, taking and giving from each other and making each of us stronger.

When we don’t value each other, the relationship changes. It centers on what we can get out of it. We take and take and only give back enough to keep the relationship alive. If one person is plucking all the flowers the plant is weakened.

Have you ever been aware of a relationship being out of balance?

Perhaps the other person is coming across as needy and you’re feeling used?

Or perhaps you’re having twinges of guilt over asking for too much?



I suggest that you don’t water the plant unless you’re both picking flowers. Don’t pour your time and energy into a relationship where the other person is only taking. Know when it is time to draw a line and either create balance or move on.

Life is too short to not choose what will feed your soul!

Save your time and energy for the relationships where you are both getting value from it.


share the flowers


Have you experienced out-of-balance relationships that you chose to change for the better?


  • Barbara Richards says:

    Yes, I have. Negativity can be a problem to me. A past friend was always complaining about everything. It got so hard for me, cause she was seldom happy with what I did. Or no mater what I or my other friends did.

    • Pat says:

      Barbara, thanks for sharing!
      A couple of decades ago (really!)my now-deceased sister would call me from out of state and complain and share all her problems. What worked was when I leveled with her and asked her to call sometimes without any problems and complaints. She did! She just hadn’t been aware of the pattern she had been building up. And since she was family, I really wanted to get our relationship balanced again!

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