2 intriguing thoughts on money…
I’ve found two very different thoughts on money that I want to share here!

Number one: I read somewhere that money is “frozen time.” That the “stuff” we buy is free…that what we pay for is the peoples’ time to mine/grow/finance/ manufacture/manage/transport the stuff to us.
Number two: what money can and does for us!
It seems as if, of all the things we might think it can do for us, it does one thing for sure. It gives us freedom.
For instance, if we are a nincompoop, money gives us the freedom to become a bigger nincompoop. If we are a nice person, money gives us the freedom to exercise that which we really are and we become a nicer person.
If we are a tightwad, it gives us the freedom to become a bigger tightwad. By the same token, if we are a generous person, money gives us the freedom to be a more generous person.

It’s been said that we can tell more about a person by their checkbook or credit card statements than we can by their diary entries!
Since money is a limited resource for most of us, how we spend it reveals what’s really important to us. Our values are revealed not by what we say but by what we do.
It’s how we prioritize competing values that defines us. And our character is determined by our dominant values.
So if we knew that our character would be judged by the choices with our checkbook and credit card, would we spend our money differently? Do we put our money where our mouth is? Do we give an adequate amount of our income to charity? Are we making the choice to help the causes we really believe in?
Maybe we should do a quick survey of our OWN checkbook and credit card statements!
The good news?
It’s never too late to change our priorities!
Wow, Pat. Eye-opening. Thank you.
That was a very interesting read and a new perpective!
Whether we are spenders or savers says a lot about who we are. What is important to us? Do we want it right now, or are we able to look ahead a bit?
I appreciate all your wisdom, Pat!
forget about money. I prefer gold. It’s pretty, never rusts or tarnishes and is said to have been created in the stars and somehow migrated to earth via foreign bodies. Much more interesting!!!